Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Status: Day 5

ITSABOUTFUCKINGTIME is still smoke free :P

but umm. not doing so well with a couple of the rules though.

I am...
totally riding the emotional rollercoaster.
totally screaming at people while driving for not really valid reasons.
totally not overeating!
totally hardly eating at all, which aint good either.
totally not sleeping well.
totally late for carpool every single day this week.
totally loving the new kitten.
totally making sure the other two get love too. Im an equal opportunity lover, see.
totally not sleeping well.
totally getting things done after work, which, hello. this is unheard of.
totally rid my car of all ash and smokey smells, car is so fresh and so clean clean.
totally not sleeping well.
totally awake at night when i should be tired, yet exhausted throughout the day.
totally glad i am alone this week to wrestle with my emotional rollercoaster.
totally not glad i will also be alone next week. bah. i hate your job bf. really. H.A.T.E.
totally forgot my patch yesterday and didnt use that as an excuse to smoke. score!
totally not sleeping well.
totally have been alone since Sunday night people! and! have not smoked! Not once! Me! Not Sneaking! Not Smoking!
totally havent gotten to the gym once yet this week. awesome.
totally cant find my circle of friends bracelet :(

and yet...

totally proud of myself (totally).

I know, I know, its not even a week yet. hush up--this junx is hard!


  1. Right on Sista! Still smoke free? I've had many friends who have attempted this feat only to cave after a couple days. You're holding in there and luckily your BF doesn't have to feel the wrath of the crank that comes with taking on such a challenge.

    God speed, shnookums.

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    quitting smoking is the hardest thing I've ever done...keep up the good work!

    I linked you to my bloggedy blog, hope that's aight.


  3. Krys: OMG! My first link!

    I'd like to thank the academy and all the people who have helped along the...



