- Got my hair cut today, and it looks suspiciously like Posh Spice I just realized. Well, Posh Spice with a double-chin. It's way cute, I assure you
- I've lost 7 lbs!
- My hairstylist is pregnant!
- I am not! (Not that there was a concern, I'm just saying...)
- My hairstylist said my hair felt thicker!
- Got FREE ASPRIN at CVS today!
- What? I did.
- Really crazy, overwhelmingly busy at work.
- My dreams lately are about doing work. And I actually solved an issue once, no lie
- Need more handsome stranger dreams, if you know what I am saying--and I think that you do. Ahem
- Got a wii fit! My wii fit age was 43 when I started. Is now 38, 7 days later. How bout them apples?
- General volume of energy is optimal, even though I stopped taking the iron supplements over a month ago. I uhh... sorta decided I was done. I dunno know why. Perhaps it was all the jacking up of my tummy that I was done with. Need to go to get bloodwork done to verify I am all okie dokie.
- Rediscovered Grilled vegetables. Mother of all deliciousness they are tasty! I'm even eating the occassional grilled red pepper! Seriously!
- Still refusing to use proper grammar when blogging
- Mad Men is my new favorite show
How are you guys?